If you work long hours, have busy days that can’t always include your pet or simply want to provide your pet with socialization and a way to get the energy out, Daycare may be beneficial. Daycare is available 7 days a week, including Holidays. Dogs get to play and run around with lots of human supervision and attention, as well as canine companionship.
Your dogs will enjoy the human touch of boarding in a “home environment”. While supervised, your pup will have the run of the house, just as he would in his own home. Dogs get plenty of outdoor playtime and mental stimulation. We will also administer any medications that your pet is currently taking and ensure that you are updated daily in the form of text messages, videos and pictures of your pet.
Pet Sitting
Pet Sitting allows your pet to remain in the comfort and security of their own home while you are away. This is a great option for those looking to eliminate the stress and exposure to illnesses in a kennel setting. Pet Sitting visits include feeding, fresh water changes, play time/walks, litter boxes scooped, administration of medications (oral/injection/eye drops), mail and newspaper brought in, adjusting lights/blinds and taking garbage bins to the curb on trash pickup day. Your pet receives individual attention, while you receive regular updates in the form of text messages, videos and pictures of your pet. Additional services for senior and special needs pets are available upon request.